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借金を重ねる 1の英語



  • 1. run up a big debt
    2. throw up a tab 借金を重ねる 2
    fall deeper into debt for〔~のためにさらに〕
  • 借金     借金 しゃっきん debt loan liabilities
  • 重ね     重ね かさね pile heap layer suits set course (stones)
  • ねる     ねる 寝る to go to bed to lie down to sleep 練る to knead to work over to polish up
  • 重ねる     重ねる かさねる to pile up to put something on another to heap up to add to repeat
  • る 1     like to play the fool when someone is with〔主語が人といるとばかにな〕 る 2 be not like
  • 重ねる 1     reduplicate《文法》〔音節を〕 {他動} 重ねる 2 1. lap over 2. superimpose on〔~に〕
  • 多額の借金を重ねる    run up tons of debt
  • 版を重ねる 1    1. go through several editions 2. run into several editions 版を重ねる 2 【自動】 editionalize 版を重ねる 3 go through several impressions〔本が〕 _版を重ねる go through __ editions
  • クレジットカードであちこちに借金を重ねる    accumulate debts on the credit card
  • 伍を重ねる    伍を重ねる ごをかさねる to double the ranks
  • 回を重ねる    回を重ねる かいをかさねる to advance (as of a baseball game) to repeat
  • 年を重ねる    put on years
  • 度を重ねる    度を重ねる どをかさねる to repeat
  • 日を重ねる    spend many days
  • 杯を重ねる    杯を重ねる はいをかさねる to have one cup of sake after another
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